
Momentum Presented Live at OEN PubTalk

Charlie Presents Momentum Live at OEN

Last night, I presented Momentum as part of the Pubtalk put on by OEN. This was our first in-person presentation for Momentum. The downside of creating an app business during COVID is that there just aren’t as many in-person venues.

It was great to get the visceral feedback from people around the core problems Momentum addresses. I could almost hear the chairs creaking as people were nodding about the frustration of having to go through 5-7 apps to figure out what to do today or how it feels to show up to the dreaded wall of red when you log into your task management apps.

I was on double duty during the Pubtalk, as right after presenting Momentum, I was the moderator for a panel on “Workplace Transformation: Team, Tools & Tech.” While Momentum is a personal planner app, workplace transformation is right in my wheelhouse with the consulting and coaching I do.

I appreciated the through line of the panel discussion on burnout and workplace wellness. COVID has prompted a lot of us to take burnout and wellness more seriously, but it was particularly refreshing that this was in the context of start ups. Start up culture is typically “burn and churn” -- I hope it’s not just Oregon’s more lifestyle-friendly business culture that’s making burnout and workplace wellness a real issue we need to address.

Making life and work better is what we’re about with Momentum, so it was great to be able to advance our mission both by talking about Momentum AND talking about how to build companies and teams that work better together. We want to join companies like Buffer, Convertkit, and Gumroad that are showing that conscious companies can be great businesses, too.

If you’re an Oregon-based entrepreneur or business owner, check out OEN. We joined last year and they’ve been really instrumental in our journey with Momentum.

Charlie Gilkey

Charlie is the co-founder of Momentum and the award-winning author of Start Finishing