
We’re Celebrating 2 Big Milestones: 1K Users and Top 10 on Product Hunt!

🎶Ceeeeeeelebrate good apps, c’mon! 🎶 

The first 24 hours of our Product Hunt launch was exciting, engaging, and better than we could have ever imagined. Some notable milestones:

  • We landed the #10 spot of the day on Product Hunt’s Top Product list for 9.14 🎉
  • We’re at 200+ upvotes on Product hunt, and counting 🔼
  • Over 1,000 users are now focusing more on what matters most thanks to Momentum 👏

It’s all thanks to everyone who took the time to leave comments, shoutouts, and reviews on Product Hunt. We are so inspired and incredibly grateful for the people who feel Momentum has changed their productivity habits for the better. THANK YOU!

The momentum doesn’t stop there, folks

We’re having so much fun engaging with people on Product Hunt, chatting about how they use the app, answering questions, and more, and we plan to keep the flow going as long as possible.

If you haven’t had a chance to check out our profile on Product Hunt, feel free to take a look and let us know what you think about Momentum so far. Everything you do still counts, and support comes in so many ways. You can:

  • Upvoting: Kind of like a virtual high-five, you can upvote our product page, other peoples’ comments, and more.
  • Commenting: Got something you’d like to share with us about Momentum? We’re excited to read it, and we love responding to your thoughts as well.
  • Reviews: Scroll to the bottom of the page and you’ll have the opportunity to leave a review of Momentum. These are super helpful for new users who are curious about the app, and are looking to connect with folks who have already tried and tested Momentum.
  • Share the love: Know a friend, coworker, family member or otherwise who might love learning about Momentum? You can share our Product Hunt page with your networks.

Not a Momentum user yet? Joining via the Product Hunt campaign will get you 20% off your first month or annual subscription!  🎉

Ready to help us take home some more big wins? Check us out on Product Hunt and help us get to the next level. 🚀

Momentum Team

We're the team behind Momentum. And we're here to help get your most important projects from start to done.